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  1. Boston & Brookline
    1. Boylston Street open today at noon
    2. Charles Street open today at 11AM
    3. Coolidge Corner open today at 11AM
    4. Jamaica Plain open today at 7AM
    5. Mission Hill open today at 9AM
    6. Newbury Street open today at 11AM
    7. South Bay open today at 11AM
    8. West Broadway open today at 1PM
    9. West Roxbury open today at 9AM
  2. Cambridge & Somerville
    1. Assembly Row open today at 10AM
    2. Davis Square open today at 11AM
    3. Harvard Square open today at 9AM
  3. Newton & Wellesley
    1. Newton Centre open today at 11AM
    2. Wellesley Square open today at 11AM
  4. Andover, Lynnfield & Dedham
    1. Andover open today at 11AM
    2. Legacy Place open today at 10AM
    3. MarketStreet open today at 11AM
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Boylston Street

Mona Sahney

 Painting All blues of a whale back flopping into water but is surrounded by water above as well

Mona Sahney

My name is Mona Sahney, and I am a 21 year old self-taught landscape painter. I started teaching myself how to paint in 2017, and since then art has become the main passion in my life. In 2018, I started an annual fundraiser where I began selling my artwork to contribute to an organization in India that helps kids off the street and provides them shelter, education, medical services, etc. Since then we have raised close to $3000 and it has been the most fulfilling experience in my life. I hope to show others through my work that (1) art is not about being naturally skilled. It is about having the natural passion. (2) anyone has the ability to help others, even in seemingly small ways. My paintings reflect the natural beauty of the world and the brightness it holds, and I hope to continue spreading that message through my work for as long as I possibly can. One of my favorite quotes: "A good artist is just a bad artist who didn't give up"
Find me on Instagram @monasahneyart