Tuesday, October 25, 2022
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
J.P. Lit and Licks
Join Title Doctor Kristen Paulson-Nguyen for “J.P. Lit and Licks,” a Boston Book Festival Prologue event celebrating the Jamaica Plain neighborhood and the power of literary community. Beth Castrodale (I Mean You No Harm), Mindy Fried (Caring for Red: A Daughter’s Memoir), Rosalyn Elder (Exploring the Legacy: People and Places of Significance), Neema Avashia (Another Appalachia), and Paulson-Nguyen (“Skating through the Ages”) will read and challenge the audience to Tabloid Title trivia, with sweet rewards. Books available in store or by order at Papercuts, J.P.’s bookstore (60 South Street).
Free and open to the public. Tuesday, October 25 from 7-9 pm in our Jamaica Plain location. 659 Centre Street.
Preregister here:
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